Friday, March 2, 2007

Tank God it's Friday

So Daniel received his test score and he passed with a 90%. He's got the subjuntivo down!!

I didn't get my test score back today. In class we watched AmarTe Duele. It's basically Romeo and Juliet meets every other teenage drama love story. It wasn't bad just predictable.

After class, I came back to find a Fed Ex package from Jerrod filled with all sorts of goodies. He was nice enough to include some trashy magazines for me (and Daniel, though he won't admit to reading them). I now have US Weekly and In Touch for my reading pleasure.
The package was loaded with tax information, our new credit cards (our cc's literally expired yesterday so the timing couldn't have been better) and a few delinquent bills. We got those sorted out first.

I'm looking forward to reading how Katy Holmes-o-crazy IS or HAS or WILL be liberating herself from the yoke of T.Cruise. So many possibilities. So little bathroom reading time.


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