Friday, March 23, 2007

Plastic Bags

It's been a nice and relaxing day. My mom woke up feeling a little stiff and sore this morning so we took it easy. She found a big bag full of plastic bags (grocery bags), so decided to fold each and every one - oragami style. I told her that she really didn't have to fold the plastic bags, but the disorder of plastic bags was driving her crazy. After she folded all the plastic bags - maybe 60 or so, I took her to walmart and she was so excited to see all the items the evil empire has to offer here in Mexico. She is convinced the potatoes taste different! Next, we went to a massage/reflexology session. The massage therapist told me that my mom holds a lot of stress. "My mom said, no I'm not stressed, EVER. I'm calm all the time huh mija?" All I could think of was.....plastic bags.

Anywho, she came out a new woman. The pain in her hands were gone and she said she felt great. She actually did look really great and is now pain free. She has a follow up appointment next week, plus a facial.

Daniel and I went to the gym, looked for some herbal ointment for my mom then came home and cooked dinner. As she and I were cleaning the kitchen, she found even more bags!!! So, as I write, she is folding them. She won't stop! She said she is even going to take a few on the road tomorrow to stay busy.

Plastic bags. Plastic bags.

She is so happy. I'm convinced that folding plastic bags in these perfect little oragami triangles is the key to peace or a new form of therpy.

Before I sign off, she is now telling me that my paneno in AZ also has so many bag in his house....his bags are all located behind the refrigerator. Oh, he has so many plastic bags.

1 comment:

GwynF said...

I feel strangely calm thinking of all those little triangles. Thanks Lucie!