Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mid may

I can't believe we are in mid may. I wish things would slow down a bit - it seems the days just blur into each other and before i know it the month has ended and a new one has started. I can't believe 2011 is only 7 months away. WTF??????????????????????????


His new word is "outside, outside, outside, outside..."
Literally. he says "outside" at least 25 times a day. He loves to be outside climbing, falling, picking and throwing. He's such a boy.

Still loving his bedroom

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

my urban garden

So this year I planted lots and lots of veggies.
This year I planted eggplant, bell peppers, beans, cilantro, green onion, broccoli, beets, and of course tomato, tomato and more tomato! You can never have too many as far as I'm concerned.

All smiles!

I love this picture of him smiling.

Boy Wonder

This was taken yesterday morning just after he tossed Chili's food on the floor and was mad that I wouldn't give him the entire bottle of green puffs.

Oops he did it again

In response he says, "the bottles look the same."

The Rocco Name Generator

Oh Rocco is funny. He calls himself Coco. He still calls me Mami. He calls Daniel Baba.
He calls Oma Anne Amu. He calls Opa Hans Apu. He calls Andy, Anja, Jen, Robyn, our neighbors Na na. He calls my friend Lisa LaLa. He calls Eric Ick. He calls Lydia Annie. And he calls everything else chi chi or gato.

He really is speaking quite a bit. It's so cute (didn't I recently call him a monster). Oh that was SO yesterday. Now he's cute and perfect again.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

where do i begin?

So much has happened since I last posted here. Let's see - the most pressing moment was that Daniel's father - Hans was hospitalized for heart problems. Now he's better but still recovering since he had a problem a few days ago. And Daniel's mom, Anne was also in the hospital for over a week. Needless to say Daniel was very stressed and upset. Anne is doing better and is now home. Anja has been taking care of everyone and I know how hard it must be for her.
Daniel's been checking in with everyone and we are keeping everyone in our thoughts.

In these past few weeks, Rocco caught a mild cold, i caught a pretty bad cold and Daniel caught some virus he still can't shake. It's been about 2 weeks now.

My niece Olivia is home and gaining weight and doing well. Jen is doing well and going above and beyond. I'm so impressed with her.

Let's see - what else! Oh, I got a part time job at my chiropractor's office. Rocco will be in day care 3 days a week now. I have been telling folks for a couple months now that I'm looking for PT work and I was very happy to receive a phone call from he and his wife. I've known them since I moved up north in 1995 so working for them will be familiar. Plus they know my situation with Rocco and are very family friendly.

Rocco is definitely in his terrible 2's. I may have mentioned this already in an earlier posting. I just hope that this stage passes soon because he can be pretty awful at times. He's just a total handful. I feel my blood pressure rising several times a day. We've had lots of hitting issues lately. And he loves the word, MINE. Everything is MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE. He's hitting a lot, throwing a lot, screaming a lot and finding new ways to scrap his knee or climb on the table only to fall off it. Oh boy. I was telling our midwife about this and how difficult he's been lately and she recommended that Daniel and I read the Wonder of Boys.

Everyone says this stage only lasts about a year. I'm hoping this year goes by fast!
Don't get me wrong, he's still adorable and he isn't a monster every moment of the day......he's just a little monster half the time. But it's half too much for this mama.