Thursday, April 5, 2007

More Oaxaca

Oaxaca by far takes the crown. It's amazing. Here you have this gorgeous city nestled in the Sierra Madre mountains. Tourism has been really slow here since the protests late last year. Many Oaxacans have told us how bad it was and how awful it has been for local business. The US Consulate still has a warning not to be here for safety reasons but honestly - it's fine. We haven't encountered any unsafe experiences. The people are SO friendly and helpful. It is so interesting to hear the Zapotec language mingled in with Spanish. The colors, the people, the mountains, the big fluffy cumulus clouds that cover the city make Oaxaca a really really beautiful, amazing and different place to visit. Plus, the food is freaking out of this world and the city, despite signs of recent unrest is clean and strikingly beautiful.

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