Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mellow weekend

It's been a fairly mellow weekend. I've had an ear infection for the last few days so the antibiotics have kept me at a pretty mellow pace. Overall I'm just tired and wiped out. I slept a good 11 hours last night and I'm still tired. Tomorrow is my first antibiotic free day. I hope my energy level kicks in.

All in the house is well. Daniel has been writing a lot of code and a political paper for his class. Sarita finished her 2nd chapter (yea), Gwyn has been getting new and interesting web clients and Atticus is trying to start a romantic relationship wtih Jose (Gwyn's friend). I saw it in person. Whatever it is Jose has, Atticus wants. wuff.

Today Gwyn, Daniel and I went to the baratillo which is a flea market/swap meet type of thing. The Sunday baratillo takes up at least a miles radius worth of the city for the purpose of selling interesting items such as faux channel make up, used stuffed animals, old singer sewing machines, olivia newton jon work-out video from the 80's (plus other like that) and bruce lee posters. You can also buy lap tops, TV's, stereo's, shoes, pants, gold jewelry and our favorite DVD's. We actually went with the intention of purchasing the 4th Season of Sex and the City for S. Sin embargo, we couldn't find the stand with just TV episodes. In the end, I ended up purchasing the Prestige for 20 pesos. Daniel bought some battery charger thing. Gwyn didn't come home with any goods. I saw a few white IPODs for sale and wondered if it any were mine. After all this excitement, it was medication time for me and more rest.

Gotta run. It's yet again, sleepy time for me. These antibiotics are wiping me out...

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