Sunday, April 29, 2007

Battle of the dogs & a retirement community called Chapala

Hugo, Patricia and Havala (their youngest daughter) stopped by Friday evening to say hello and to give us more information regarding our all day Saturday adventure to Chapala.

When Tomi a sweet little Poodle with purple dyed hair and a collar to match met Atticus, it appeared friendly. They were sniffing each other and all seemed fine but then the scuffle started. Gwyn had to pull Atticus off poor little Tomi. Not to worry, Atticus is fine and not in doggie jail. Double-well: Tomi is alive and lives to tell another story. Literally.

Saturday morning, Sarita, Daniel and I head out to Hugo and Patricia's house and Tomi is a little withdrawn but overall OK. We packed up the cars and got ready for our 1 drive to Lake Chapala to go swimming at a gated community/club where Patricia's sister owns land. The club/pool area was beautiful and empty so we had this huge pool all to ourselves. It was great and the weather was cooler than GDL. Daniel was the first to jump straight into the pool, Sarita and I slowly eased ourselves into the cold water and Havala and her friend, as 8 year olds are were fearless and jumped in then started racing each other. Meanwhile S and I were still easing ourselves into the pool. The water was cold!!!! Tomi, was even trying to get into the pool. He was happily running around with not a care in the world.

After some pool time, we all sat down to eat and then the Tomi stories started to come out. Hugo and Patricia have only had Tomi for 1 month. He was abandoned after 3 years by his original owner - a young girl. Tomi had been a gift from the girl's boyfriend but when she was dumped by him she didn't want Tomi anymore. She didn't want to remember. OH, THE PAIN! So, poor little Tomi had to find a new home. Hugo and Patricia took him in and in his fist week in the Medrano residence he escaped from the house. Pati said they walked all over their neighborhood looking for him and asked local businesses to keep an eye out for the poodle. A few said they had seen the purple haired poodle walking by so Pati and Hugo knew he was close. However, hours passed and still no Tomi. When she thought all hope was lost, she found out that one of the local business owners was holding Tomi for them. Apparently Tomi was walking in front of traffic and was almost killed.

2 weeks later, Paola the oldest daughter took Tomi with her to her aunts house and Tomi wasn't paying attention and fell off the 1st story smack onto the cold concrete floor. They took Tomi to the vet and he said Tomi was OK and hadn't broken any bones or sustained any serious injuries. Pati said Tomi was limping for a week and then recovered. The next thing was his run in with Mr. Atticus.

So all this has happened in 1 month to Tomi. I think Tomi has a death wish or is like Carter's dog in the show Spin City that is always attempting suicide.

After swimming, eating and looking for Tomi (at least 5 times) we drove a few minutes into the center of Chapala for ice cream and churros. Death wish dog stayed in the car while we strolled around town. Chapala at sunset is gorgeous. Chapala is very cute, as is its neighboring town Ajijic which are both affectionately called gringolandia. You can guess why.

We arrived home close to 10PM from Chapala and we all crashed. It was the best sleep I've had in a long time.

As for death wish dog, all I know is that the "Chronicles of Tomi" the poodle are not over.

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