Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new...

Daniel and I were glued to the TV this morning. He prepared breakfast and we watched the inauguration of Obama and commented on how lovely and large Aretha Franklin's hat was - that was quite a glittery bow. It was a somber speech I'd say. In fact, it was pretty matter of fact: things are bad, real bad and it's only going to get worse. I was surprised to see that Bush was all smiles even while his failed upon failed policies were being criticized.
Maybe he didn't get it. Very possible. And Cheney looked like a CIA hit man. They belong in jail. We should send them to Guantanamo before Obama closes it down. They should experience the non torture techniques they approved (water boarding isn't torture is it)? I was also shocked to see that they left the white house with high approval ratings: Bush at 22% and Cheney at 13%. How is that even possible? Is inbred America really that big? Is Anne Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity's fan club THAT big? Holy crap - how badly do people need to be fu%^#d over before you stand up and say ENOUGH, I've had it....can i have my pants back?

I wish we could have been there - I can only imagine the buzz, the emotions and the feeling of hope emerging from the hundreds of thousands in the crowd. What a HUGE collective sigh of relief there must be around the world. Unfortunately, it will have to be short lived because the truth is that "we the people"committed atrocious crimes in Iraq. The last body count statistic I saw for Iraqi deaths alone showed 98,000 deaths. And this is a conservative estimate....others say the death toll is in the million range. We all know (or most of us I imagine) how painful losing someone you love is NOW imagine a country plagued by death where every person has lost someone or 2 or 3 or more over the last few years to war. How can this not come back to hurt and haunt us for, well ever? This number doesn't include US soldiers or Afghan deaths. And this is just Iraq - the former administration left a domestic, international and constitutional mess. This is why I don't understand those 22% Bush lovers and 13% Cheney lovers. How? How can anyone condone what has happened? I don't understand it.

Well that's enough cheer from me today. I'm depressed now. Maybe I should watch the inauguration concert again to lift my spirits - dote on Aretha's big hat and all...

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