Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 months

Rocco turned 5 months yesterday. As I was washing the dishes I was thinking, wow - my life is so different now. Normally I would have been washing empty wine glasses and by now our glass recycle bin would have been nearly full of empty bottles of beer and wine and probably vodka bottles. Now you can literally count all the alcoholic bottles in the bin on one hand. On the flip side, we are saving lots of money by not purchasing booz or going to bars (boo hoo hoo). One day, one day....
So what has most definitely changed is our comfort level. We are no longer scared of him. Every noise used to freak us out but now we both feel very confident. I'm especialy used to all his noises and little quirks. At the moment, it's the mirror. HE LOVES to look at himself in the mirror. If he starts crying I just take him to the mirror and he stops. He looks at himself and starts to smile. It's very funny. I'll need to capture it on video. He can hold himself up now and he just continues to get bigger each day. And with each new day he also wants more attention. I've come to think of Rocco as the out of town guest that never leaves. You know how you have to entertain guests, keep them busy with the local sites and all. This is my day with Rocco but it never ends...he just wants more, more, more!
Anyway I need to get to bed. I'm on a Senior Citizen's schedule these days- dinner at 5, sleep by 9....etc.
I need to find a local Coco's so that I can take advantage of their early bird special. Seriously, all I need are some dentures and depends and I'm there - 75+ hanging with the older crowd. Anyway, I really need to get to bed. It's very late for me. ....buenas noches.

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