Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I forgot to mention that while Anja was here we gave Rocco his first taste of solid food. He tried smashed banana for the first time and as the picture shows, he didn't like it. We only gave him a little bit and since he mostly let it slowly drool out of his mouth we didn't try it again UNTIL a day letter. Again, we tried a bit more banana and we had the same results. So we stopped and haven't given him anything since then. Everyone has been telling me that rice cereal should help him sleep longer but after speaking with our pediatrician and our acupuncturist/nutritionist we were told not to give him any solids for awhile. I didn't know this but babies do not have the enzymes to break down food so for the first year. So I was warned that feeding him solids at this stage will only exacerbate his food sensitivities. We were told to wait at least until he's 9months to try again.
He is eating well but he is very sensitive to foods that I eat. I have cut out all dairy (except butter which doesn't contain casein which is what causes intolerance to dairy). I have also cut out coffee, whey, milk chocolate, red wine and some soy products.
This isn't all bad, I'm slowly losing all the weight I gained during my pregnancy. I have less than 20 pounds to go then I'll be back to my normal chunk verses the obese state I find myself in. I still only have 2 pairs of pants that fit. I refuse to buy big girl clothes. Well, I did buy jeans but they looked so insanely huge that I HAD to return them. I just can't have them here - bad karma I say. I would rather look like the unfashionable mess I am right now than spend money on clothes that will only depress me. Only a few more months of this, then I can hopefully start sporting my old clothes.

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