Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tacos, a nearly finished kitchen and no baby!

So the baby is just chilling and hanging out. No sign of him - Mamma Mia definitely did not work. The only thing that is happening is that I'm starting to get bad indigestion and everything smells like cat piss. I've been cleaning every blanket, comforter and pillow in the house. Today I steamed our mattress and used simple green to clean our comforter. I have 2 goose downs outside hoping to get rid of the cat smell. Woody is the culprit. He started spraying several weeks ago and now he is banned from our room. Actually I'm in the process of getting him a dog crate because I believe he is spraying in the hallway too. We are so lucky - he also stopped using his litter box. Anyone want a 14 year black manx? He's an asshole and I don't want him anymore. I called his vet and I'm trying to find out what I can do with him. Maybe the answer is kitty prozac. I don't know - but for now, he's in the "cat" house and he's bringing out the mommy dearest in me.

On another front, the kitchen is pretty much complete. We still need the countertops installed and that is going to take weeks to happen. We are still waiting for the ceaserstone folks to come out and measure the surface space. After that it will take a few weeks to have them out again to have them installed. So I'm hoping that by October we have the countertops in! Lastly we have some painting to do. Kevin's friend is going to come on in and finish up the work but he's in the middle of another project, so that might be another 3 weeks or so. Kevin is packing up his gear tomorrow and will return in several weeks to work on our outside wall that needs to be retrofitted. I'm sure he needs a break since he's been working in our house since May.
My mom and I are making tacos tonight and then its project runway time.
It's Carb Wednesday.

Auf Wiedersehen

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