Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunny Sunday Afternoon - no baby

Daniel's goulash is stilll cooking. He's making it extra special and added even more paprika to the mix today. We went for a nice walk this morning then stopped over at our friends house to catch up and of course laugh that I am still pregnant. At this rate, I just hope the baby arrives by the end of the month. Daniel has been speaking to the baby in german and commanding him to leave my body. It's all very funny since I think the baby is just hanging out thinking, "whatever! "

Actually I received several nice emails from folks who were also 2 weeks or so late. So I don't feel like such a freak. I have turned off our cell phone and we aren't taking any calls because we can't answer any more questions about "WHAT?" or "STILL" or my favorite, "IS HE OK?" It is less stressful this way.

On the cat front: We've officially changed Woody's name to Shitty (he's the black cat). He used the restroom on the floor again so we tossed him outside. His dog crate is there waiting for him. I know that he doesn't understand why he is being kicked out but I don't have time for kitty therapy. I can't do it. I figure he has food, water and a big dog crate and lots of space outside where he can shit anywhere his heart desires. Everyone keeps telling me it's because I'm pregnant and he's going through a transition period. WHATEVER, transition my ass! Anyway the offer still stands. If anyone wants him, you can have him. I'll even throw it a 3 month supply of cat food and a dog crate. Offers?

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