Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stinson Beach

Today Daniel and I drove over to Marin and hung out at Stinson Beach. It was a very gloomy day at the beach - all in all perfect! It was very Hitchcock - it felt like the movie set of "The Birds." Surprisingly, there were a bunch of people out probably with the same expectation that today would be a sunny day. I wasn't dying to get in the water anyway. Daniel put his feet in and said it was freezing. The only folks in the water were the sealed up surfers - everyone hung out in sweatshirts and watched the fog roll in. We spent several hours on the beach reading and napping, eating grapes and feeding birds. It was a perfect Saturday actually! Daniel took some computer book and got through a few pages before he was asleep while I took photos.

After that we headed out to dinner at one of the only 2 restaurants in town and then headed home. Of course as soon as we drove into Berkeley it was back to back traffic. We decided we need to head out to Stinson more often. It is SO nice and beautiful - and far enough away from where we live to provide a break from the day to day routine.

Well off I go - Daniel is making goulash tonight (with a spicy kick) to hopefully move this baby out.

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