Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mamma Mia does not induce labor

My mom and I went to see Mamma Mia. I was hoping that the annoying musical would send me into labor. Instead I found myself humming to Abba tunes, eating popcorn and wishing I were drunk on some veranda overlooking the Aegean Sea. I secretly enjoyed PARTS of the movie. It was still pretty annoying and there were some singing parts where I just cringed in embarrassment. For example, when Pierce Brosnam started to sing, I thought " oh yea this is it - this surely has to send me into labor." He shouldn't sing. Ever.

In any case, that scene between he and Meryl Streep did NOT send me into labor. Nope. I'm still pregnant with the possibility of staying in this condition for another 2 weeks (it's safe until week 42). Holy Hell!

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