Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lucha Libre

Sunday night, after Santa Maria del Oro we quickly changed for the Lucha Libre match. It was fun and much less packed than the Tuesday night show. Best of all was watching Setor get into the game and scream encouraging words in Spanish to the wrestlers. "Andale Flash, Andale" as Flash was being plummeted to the floor by the Gypsy, a ridiculously buff wrestler.

Set was so into the fight. Unfortunately for him, he was with a bunch of folks who don't care much for the spectacle, I mean, sport. Sorry about that Set.

Next, a weird little man wearing a fluffy florescent blue monkey costume and bright red shoes came out to egg on the wrestlers. It was strange and stressful. The little monkey-man was thrown around and was hit a few times by these really big ass dudes. It was just weird and unfair on many levels. I was so happy when monkey-man went away. He was stressing me out. I just imagined one of the wrestlers stepping on him and squashing him to an even smaller size. Ah - Lucha. Ay - Mexico.

After Lucha, we took a taxi to Famosos Equipales for another Pueblo Viejo. That's Sarita (the birthday girl) and I wearing the masks Angeles purchased.

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