Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lucy is better and at home

My mom is doing better. She is still in pain because of her lupus but she is home now and sounds really good. If you have met her, then you know that she has a really amazing attitude and a positive outlook on life. Hopefully the medication she was given will control the over activity of lupus which is causing her joints to swell. She said it feels like her skin is on fire when the medication isn't working. I've had a few people ask me what lupus is so here is some information:
*it generally affects women and to boot, women of color
*Diagnosis occurs during child bearing years - ages of 15-45
*there is no cure, just lots of medication
*my mom was diagnosed with lupus in September, 1992
*my Tia Gloria (in AZ) was diagnosed with lupus a few years before that (I don't remember the year but it was a few years before my mom was diagnosed with it)
*because lupus shares similar symptoms with other diseases it takes on average 4 years to diagnose someone with lupus.

Do I have Lupus info sheet?

Lupus Foundation of America

1 comment:

spitgirl said...

Hey, Monica and Daniel! Jerrod told me about the blog... mine is http://spitgirl.livejournal.com/ in case you guys are interested in catching up. Short story is that I'm engaged. The long story is... long. :)