Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eugene with the garcia gang, part 3

Daniel was clearly outnumbered, but he handled himself well and begged to be a Garcia by the end of our stay.
Well, maybe not but he had a great time and wants to go back next year. He believes this is the only place he'll ever get some sleep. I´m in favor. I´d love to go up north and spend more time with my cousin Phillip and Sherry. Hands down, the coolest kids in town!
Pic 1: One of the many stickers on cousin Ben's car.
Pic 2: Phillip and Sherry discussing something very important. Do we buy tomato's or blueberries or both... ?
Pic 3: I think Sherry was buying cheese
Pic 4: Rocco and his magic shakers
Pic 5: Phillip, Daphne and Ben.

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