Friday, July 25, 2008

Pregnancy and Kitchen, April 2008

As I write this the baby is moving. I can see my entire stomach shift from one side to the next. It's really cool and very sci-fi. Today we had our weekly with our midwife and everything looks normal. My due date is technically next Sunday but anything could happen. He could come now or in 2 weeks. I'm just sitting back, praying and hoping that our kitchen stove is connected before he makes his world debut.
Pictures: More of the wall coming down between the kitchen and formal dining room.
Photos 1: The original entryway into the kitchen is blocked by the red hutch. Daniel had this closed up so now in order to get to the kitchen you have to walk through the formal dining room and into the kitchen (walk through smallish white double doors).
Picture 2: Shows new hallway leading to our bedroom.
Picture 3: Me at 20 weeks.
Picture 4: One of our kitchen outside walls (which eventually is taken down).
Picture 5: Baby's first Lederhosen. Daniel's mom, Anne mailed them to us. I love them!!!!!!!

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