Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby Shower

Thanks to Gwyn for providing some photos of the baby shower Cheryl and Laurie hosted for us 2 weeks ago. Does anyone know how to manage the posts so that i can put this "blog entry" in order?

Back to the shower - it was a very nice day and Laurie and Cheryl outdid themselves. They provided so much food and Jackie provided tons of wine. I think everyone had a nice time. It was great for Daniel and I to catch up with friends since we have been underground for the last several months dealing with the kitchen and ongoing construction and all the required coordination.
So there is Daniel wearing one of the baby bibs.
The next photo is of Raquel, myself and Sarita. We all went to high school together in Smell - A. Go Jesters!
Then we have a photo of Robyn our niece, Raquel, Sarita and Cheryl (the host).
Lastly is a photo of our backyard filled with friends. The day before it was filled with 3 truckloads of construction debris. What a difference a day makes -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So that those who will accidentally visit your site will not waste there time with this stupid topics.