Tuesday, February 20, 2007

El Panteon de Belen, Guad

Before I left for Norwalk, Daniel and I went to check out El Panteon de Belen. It is this run down, sort of spooky and kind of cool cemetary near the center of town. It was constructed, I believe in 1848 (don't quote me on that). Anyway by the looks of the cemetery it looks 500 years old. Everything is falling apart and the colors are faded. The tombs are cracked, the crosses crooked, the walk ways tumbling into new directions from overgrown weeds and fallen debris. It would be the perfect place for a Buffy the Vampire slaying! It was really cool and I'm glad we went.
Daniel and I began the cemetery tour but the guide spoke SO much about everything except about the Panteon that we ditched the group and walked it alone. I'm glad we did, it was peaceful.
As we were walking out this girl was having her photos taken for her QuinceaNera. I thought it was really cool that she was taking her photos is this run down, but beautiful old cemetery. I wanted to snag a photo but didn't want her or her family to notice. With that said, I was outnumbered and there was no hiding so I didn't take the photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats weird.............k......................