Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Someone stole my sign

Someone stole our Obama sign out front. Daniel was even asking if we should take it down soon and I said, "naaaahhh - what for?" After it was stolen, Daniel told me he feared that might happen. Well we still have our No on Prop 8 sign but admittedly it is in our car, in a locked garage. Speaking of which, we went to an anti prop 8 rally on Saturday in front of the Mormon temple. It was a nice turn out, at least 500 were there and overall it was very pleasant. We ran into our friend Jonathan and agreed that gay rally's are the best. Folks were passing out Starbucks coffee, pastry's and chocolates. We are going again this Saturday and I plan on taking food to share. Overall the event was very peaceful. There were only a few angry white old men yelling obscenities. The majority of folks coming through were very supportive and very sad that voters voted "yes" on the proposition to amend the constitution to ban same sex marriage. I hope that with time (sooner rather than later) people get over their phobias and STOP using the "god" excuse to treat people differently. It's just such b.s.

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