Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins

Today is historic and I'm feeling so so so very emotional. The last 8 years under the Bush administration and Republican control have been horrible. God, where do you even begin to name the offenses Bush and the Republicans have committed? The last 8 years have been tragic and to think it's over is overwhelming. It's a mixture of relief and disbelief. Over the last 8 years anything seemingly rationale or sensible felt impossible. You were criticized and called unpatriotic if you questioned your government. It's been scary, sad, and a reckless 8 years and the harm that has been done by the Bush doctrine will be hard to undo.

I still can't believe Obama will be our next President.

Tonight I believe that there is hope for a better future. Listening to Obama speak tonight filled me with pride. For the first time in a long time, I was SO proud to be an American because what happened tonight is beyond amazing.

Outside our house there is honking and screaming, but mostly honking. Friends have been calling us and stopping by. We cried in the living room because we just couldn't believe it. It is truly a great moment. I am so happy and overjoyed that Obama won, but mostly that people voted and finally woke up. The next 4 years are going to be HELL for Obama and I for one already respect the hell out of him for wanting this clean up job. I only hope that the Republican party can be gracious and actually help clean up the mess they created instead of do their usual: bitch, complain, blame and use their regular baseless talking points (oh that's right, they are supposed to be the party of accountability - yea right!).

It's a good day and I wish that we could join friends who left to San Francisco to celebrate. Apparently it's turning into a big victory party downtown.

Our little Rocco is asleep and I'm going to bed soon, if I can. I'm so excited I don't know if I can sleep....


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