Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bath Time

Our nightly ritual goes like this:

We begin every night (except for weekends) at 5:30PM. We begin with oatmeal dinner. I blend it with cinnamon and almond milk and he LOVES it. Tonight I added banana to the blender and he tolerated it. He still isn't a huge fan. Then at about 5:50ish we go to the bathroom where he takes his bath. He hangs out in the water for about 10 minutes and then I take him to our bedroom and I give him a little massage and put his pajamas on. After that we read 1-2 books, I breast feed him and then somewhere around 6:20-6:40PM he is asleep and is transferred to his crib.

It's been a good ritual except that the last week we've had some breastfeeding issues which have required me to call La Leche League. He begins to cry and push me away. I was so scared that he was trying to self ween so I called LLL and they told me that they don't believe any baby self weens before 1 year and that he must be experiencing some major changes. I told the counselor about his new teeth, his new ability to crawl and sleeping in the crib. She told me to GIVE HIM LOTS AND LOTS OF ATTENTION. I have to emphasize this because I swear to god, i don't think that I have more to give this little baby. He gets so much attention already. I can't even count how many times he is kissed and hugged and held throughout the day. But I didn't want to get into an " I already love my baby sufficiently" conversation so instead of putting him on the floor so he could motor around, I just held him longer than I usually do and what do you know - he started eating again. He seems to go on strike every other day and when he does I put him on my lap and sing, "row row row your boat, gently down the is but a dream...." because he loves this song. I sing this a couple of times and kiss him about 20 times THEN he'll eat.

High Maintenance.

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