Monday, October 27, 2008

The holiday reason

Today I broke down and bought Rocco a little Santa's suit. Daniel is going to HATE it but it is so cute I had to have it. I also bought him a little Halloween jumper. It was on clearance for $2.50. I couldn't resist. Daniel calls this Monicanomics = save money by buying crap on clearance.

Today Kevin returned to finish up the kitchen project. The outside wall still needs siding and some details need to be finished in the kitchen. Daniel has made a lot of progress recently by installing the under and over cabinet lights (see photos). All he needs to do to finish up is to add the pendant lights. I painted this weekend with Super Daniel and well, we made (cough cough Daniel) made lots of progress. We only have one more door to paint then the painting part is done - thank god!

Yesterday we had a family photo session with Pete Thompson. He's a really great photographer who just next week will be shooting photos of Sean Penn at his home in Marin. Once our photos come in, we'll be sharing! A photo session with him was provided as a gift from our real estate agent Astrid.

And on the Rocco front - well he has been very well behaved and very sweet. He's been sleeping regularly at 8PM for a 7 hour stretch. After that he wakes up every 2-3 hours. And in the morning he sleeps next to me and I feed him in bed. We definitely have a working schedule down and I'm very happy that he is such a good sleeper. He and I spend the entire day together so I definitely know more or less what he wants throughout the day which isn't too hard really. It's either I've shit in my pants = clean me or I want to shit in my pants = feed me.

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