Tuesday, July 24, 2007

And so I said...

So yes I'm back with the blog......at least temporarily. I'm packing our bags for Yurop and in going through our boxes of clothes, everything looks SO 2003, I don't know what to do with it all (besides burn it and pray for it to go away). We've only been home for a couple of weeks and we take off again; and in again I mean 1 day.
So what has happened is the following:
excavation bid turned out to be $45,000. This means we are NOT interested. Sorry folks, we are not hosting movie nights.
My car is perfectly fine. I like it. It's staying!
Miguel, the pathfinder is going.
The weather in the Bay Area is amazing. I love it. We are sleeping under covers and it feels so good. Ridge California makes one of the finest Petite Sirah's around!


GwynF said...

Won´t Facebook be wondering where you went?

Happy trails and send me love to me folks.

Anonymous said...

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