Saturday, January 23, 2010

pesky teeth

Poor baby R. He has 4 teeth coming in at the same time. He's been extra whiny these days and last night he was up quite a bit crying. I checked his belly and his temperature and everything felt normal so instead of soothing him, I barked "GO TO SLEEP ROCCO" and kept "shuuing" and "chishing" him to go to sleep. He wouldn't so I barked, and he screamed and no one slept. Of course this morning I saw all the teeth coming through. Poor thing. Now I feel like a horribly insensitive mother.

Other than teeth and more teeth breaking through the surface of his gums, he is doing really well. He had his pediatric check up and he is doing really well. Doctor said he's healthy and looks great! Those are ALWAYS the words you want to hear.

We are back to a routine. We were very active this week. He went to Kinder Gym, Gymboree class, Rock in Kids Music class and swimming. He also went to Lydia's 2 times this week and had a great time playing with Maya and Noam, his two friends at day care (Lucas being the 3rd but didn't make it to Lydia's this week). He painted and played and had a couple of time out's for misbehaving. Lydia makes the toddlers sit on a pillow for 3 minutes in the corner when they don't listen or throw things or hit or bite or....
I didn't think Rocco would actually sit still for 3 minutes but he did. I saw it with my very own eyes. On Wednesday night at home he had a time out. I pulled out a pillow, put it on the floor and the next time he threw something across the room, I put him on the pillow. He sat there for 3 full minutes. He knew he was in trouble. I tried not to smile or laugh which was so incredibly difficult. He looked so cute. He didn't move; he just sat there looking around waiting for his time to be up.
Did it work? Kinda. He stopped throwing for a whole 5 minutes after wards.

Well I have to go out and run some errands. I will post pictures of the little man soon.

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