Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Anne is here

Anne arrived over 1 week ago and it has been so amazing to have her here. I'm getting out reguarly to the gym, as well as eating lots of sweets. She brought us a box of Scottish butter cookies and I ate those in about 4 days. Later she and I went to the 99 cent store and she bought me a box of chinese almond cookies and i ate the entire box in 24 hours. Can you imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale and I GAINED weight. i couldn't believe it! Then I read the calorie intake for the butter and almond cookies. The almond cookies alone were 80 calories PER cookie. Mind you, I ate the entire box. Since then we haven't purcahsed or eaten any more cookies. To Anne's credit, she doesn't eat cookies - she only eats butterfingers. She ate about 24 bars in 24 hours.
We received a surprise gift from Andi and Uschi. They sent Rocco a little bear which we have named Bernard the Bear. They also sent us a funny letter, a photo of the family and 2 mugs. THANK YOU! They fit perfectly in Daniel's coffee machine. A perfect gift.
On Sunday we went to open houses in the area and saw a beautiful home that Anne thinks is reasonably priced - it's only 1.8 million dollars. As she says, "It was really good!" After that we saw another home being sold for 1.2 million which wasn't as nice.
Yesterday we went shopping and Anne bought me a new pair of jeans. I think she was tired of seeing me wearing the same clothes over and over again. I love them and am happy to have a new pair of jeans to wear. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO close to my pre pregnancy weight (less than 15 pounds away) and I know soon I'll have a whole new wardrobe of clothes to wear.
Rocco has been getting spoiled by Oma. She holds him and sings to him and kisses him every single day. So now he has 2 female slaves - he is very happy. The latest thing with him is that he now stares at his hands all the time and he also screams all the time. He is constantly testing out his voice - oh, we all love it when he screams. It's the best thing to hear at 6:30 AM.
Pic 1: Rocco sporting his new hat (a hand me down from the neighbor)
Pic 2: Oma making Rocco laugh
Pic 3: Squirrels at the Berkeley Marina
Pic 4: Oma Anne and Rocco. This is the only photo she let me publish.

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