Saturday, April 3, 2010

He's perfect!

All parents must say this about their babes. He's at such a great stage. At times he totally drives me crazy but he is so fun and cute. We have so much fun together. I love him a million times, a trillion, a ga ga zillion times over.

Night Weaning

Rocco is going to be 20 months in 2 weeks and we hope by then that he will be sleeping through the night.
We began night weaning him Thursday night and so far it is going well. He begins the night in his room and when he wakes we bring him to our bed but instead of breastfeeding him back to sleep, we now just pat his tummy or back to sleep. The first night went really well. He still woke his usual 4-5 times and asked for "chi chi" and I told him "chi chi" was sleeping and he needed to sleep too. He'd yell and scream for about 5 minutes then go back to sleep. In the morning he kissed me and hugged me and I felt pretty good about sticking to my plan and not caving in to him (it is sooooooooooo easy to give in sometimes). And I felt comforted knowing he wasn't angry in the morning.

Night 2 was tough. Rocco woke up at 3:30AM and didn't go back to bed until about 6AM. He was angry and upset that he couldn't get "chi chi." We just gave him lots of love and told him we loved him and that he needed to sleep and rest. We told him that as soon as morning rolled in, he could have chi chi. I swear 6:30 AM came and he was there, asking for it and I let him eat for a long time until he passed out.

Tonight is night 3. I hope it gets easier and I hope he finally gives up. I know it's only been 2 nights versus 19 1/2 months of eating on demand whenever he wanted but I'm tired. I'm beyond tired. I need to sleep and I know the only way I'm going to get sleep is to cut him off milk at night.

Wish us luck. I hope that by his 2o month birth date he will be weaned and sleeping through the night.